WebTUnit 1.0 M1 배포합니다.
아래 매뉴얼을 참조하세요.
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이번 주 내로 배포하고 싶은.. M2 버전에서는 다음 두 가지를 중점접으로 다루겠습니다.
- 샘플 애플리케이션을 추가
- Jetty 추가
저저번주 금요일부터 오늘까지 달렸으니까..
금, 월~금, 월, 화. 8일이네요.
이제 쬐끔 쓸만해져서 공개했습니다.
웹 테스트 하실 때 조금이나마 보탬이 되었음 합니다.
막심 므라비차의 축하공연을 들으며 찬찬히 읽어 보세요. 간단합니다.
[caption id="" align="align" caption="autoplay=0 visible=1 color=white"]cfile2.uf.1511D2124A12A8FCA2CA75.mp3[/caption]
0. add repository setting to pom.xml or settings.xml
<id>opensprout nexus</id>
<name>OpenSprout Nexus public</name>
WebTUnit is provided by OpenSprout Nexus.
1. add dependency to pom.xml
<!-- WebTUnit -->
2. add cargo-maven-plugin and maven-surefire-plugin to pom.xml
2-1. cargo-maven-plugin configuraion
First, you must set up your tomcat home to <home> element above or,
just download and unzip tomcat archive to project/tomcat folder.
If you set <wait> to true, then when you run a test server by 'mvn cargo:start',
the console will be wait untile you stop the process by CTRL + C.
This is useful when you want to test on Eclipse by CTRL + ALT + X -> T or CTRL + F11.
But, you shold be careful when you use phase that through pre-integration-test phase.
That process will stop and wait in pre-integration-test until you stop the test server.
By default setting, you can use cargo with phases thar through pre-integration-test phase.
For example, when you run 'mvn verify', you will pass pre-integration-test phase,
but you will not be stopped by process, because it dooesn't wait.
This will help you when you set up this project in continuous integration environment.
2-2. maven-surefire-plugin configuration
If you want to use another naming pattern, or package pattern,
change '**/*WebTest.java' value to what you want.
3. make some web test with webdriver.
public class MemberWebTest {
public void memberPages(){
WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver();
MemberListPage listPage = PageFactory.initElements(driver, MemberListPage.class);
assertEquals(2, listPage.getTableRows());
If you want to feel comfortable when you write some web test codes,
I recommend Page Object Pattern(http://code.google.com/p/webdriver/wiki/PageObjects).
You can also use @DataConfiguration when you want to input and delete some test data.
Check some usecases.
- http://whiteship.me/2237
- http://whiteship.me/2238
- http://whiteship.me/2239
4. run test.
Open a console, type 'mvn verify'.
Or, modify, cargo-maven-plugin's <wait> to true, and run it with JUnit in Eclipse.
5. give me a feedback