
Chocolate 챠끌릿
getting 게링
Hospital 하스피럴
lace : 끈, 묶다, 살짝 가미하는거,
laxative 설사제

The students laced a chocolate cake with laxative getting five teachers and two other studends sick. "My teacher went to hospital right away, when others were cring."

Screen English

What was that? What are you doing? Could you be more embarrassing?
I'm sorry to interrupt your study with "your friend".
Well.. we can't all be monks like you.
By the way, you are grounded.

Pops English(I'm yours)

So I won't hesitate no more no more.
It can not wait I'm sure there is no need to complicate.
Our time is short. This is our fate. I'm yours.

destiny: 변경 가능한 운명
fate: 변경 불가한 운명

Talk Play Learn

나 이제 ~~ 해야 돼.
I've got to hurry.
I've got to leave now.
I've got to get a lone.
I've gotta get a return.
I've gotta get the phone.
I've gotta take an aspirine.
I've gotta meet somebody.
I've got to find new place.
I've got to put out the garbage.

내가 살 께 =  I'll treat you.
준비 다 됐어? = all set?
아.. 또야!! = not again~