
tough 텊: 질긴, 힘든
Spiting 스핏ㅇ(남부발음)

Spiting watermelon seeds. It's a sound that defines the summer. No more at the grocery store, at the farmer's market It's tough to even find a watermelon with seeds these days.

Screen English

So~ You are a doctor.
What's your specialty?
I'm a plastic surgion.
Oh~ of course you are.
I know what your are thinking. But I work exclusively only burned victims and borned with defomaties.

Pop's English

Mustang Sally I guess you better slow that Mustang down.
Mustang Sally now baby. I guess you better slow that Mustang down.
You've been running all over the town.
I guress you've gotta put your flat feet on groud.

Talk Play Learn

Is it possible for me to ~?(내가 ~ 하는게 가능할까요?)
Is it possible for me to pay later?
Is it possible for me to get a refund?
Is it possible for me to meet Jhones?
Is it possible for me to check my order?
Is it possible for me to change my room?
Is it possible for me to take these brochures?
Is it possible for me to cancle metting?

Learn More

일을 꼼꼼하게 마무리하다. = dot one's I's and cross one's t
ex) She always dot her's I's.
답답해 = I'm frustrated.