20080730 GMP
ill-~ : ~이 부족한(ex. ill-housed 주거환경이 안 좋은)
Around the world, woman are far more likely then man to be pool, ill-housed, undereducated, and vitimized by war and discrimination.
Screen English
I can't explain this.
Let him explain.
Remember the woman at the bookstore? Here she is.
You told me to go after her. and I didn't.
It was not planned.
I know how this looks.
Pop's English
Hey, grab your clothes and get gone.
You'd better hurry up. because spring coollers come on.
Girl I love you. you are the one. This is just looks like a re-run.
Please what else is on.
Talk Play Learn
I prefer A to B. (나는 B 보다 A가 좋아요.)
I prefer girls to boys.
I prefer sea food to meat.
I prefer summer to winter.
I prefer snailmail to email.
I prefer baseball to soccer.
I prefer urban life to rurul life.
I prefer aisle seats to window seats.
바쁜데 짬을 내다 = squeez in