
stomach 스토믹
due to 두두
ulcer 궤양
antibiotics 항생제

The stomach bacteria Helicobacter pylori can cause ulcer and has been linked with stomack cancle. Now due to antibiotics only about 5% of American children have it.

Screen English

There it is. (It is) pretty much how I remember it.
I was younger then you last time I was here.
Well It's big.
Yes so I can get a bigger pats. Alright mom?
Sure get a cow. get a whole frag.
That too.
How do you think Jerad.

Pop's English

All I want to be is much sometime for me.
Good morning baby, I hope I'm gonna make it through another day.

Talk Play Learn

You don't need to ~ (~ 할 필요 없어.)
You don't need to hurry.
You don't need to know.
You don't need to worry.
You don't need to work late.(야근 할 필요 없어요.)
You don't need to come here.
You don't need to buy anything.
You don't need to feel burdened.
You don't need to give me an excuse.

Learn More

아니 이게 누구야. = Look who is here.
일시불/할부 = monthly payment system.