
store 저장하다
atmosphere 대기권, 분위기
carbon dioxied 이산화탄소

Trees consume and store carbon dioxied as they grow, which is released to atmosphere if they are chop down.  "So we really have to protect our nature forest."

Screen English

She is at the wooden seniterinum.
How do you get to her?
If you step outside that circle, they will get you.
Dimple Teck knows a secret way. But in the house, the book must stay.
They're all safe.
Good. now go. Make haste.

Pop's English

If you think you need to go, If you wanted to be free.
There is just one thing you need to know is that you can't count on me.

Talk Play Learn

I'm not sure if he'll (그가 ~ 할지 잘 몰겠어)
I'm not sure if he'll drive.
I'm not sure if he'll come.
I'm not sure if he'll agree.
I'm not sure if he'll laugh.
I'm not sure if he'll give up.
I'm not sure if he'll go back.
I'm not sure if he'll do this.
I'm not sure if he'll regret it.
I'm not sure if he'll accept it.

Learn More

have deep pockets = 부자다.
고생끝에 낙이 온다 = It paies off in the end. = Every cloud has a silver lining